7 most ridiculous pest control myths

The world of pest control can be a weird and wacky place, with myths and rumours abound about the different ways to ward off bugs and buglets from your home.

These range from the unusual but truthful advice that planting mint or lavender near your home will keep insects away, to straight-up falsehoods such as the idea that bed bugs will only infest dirty properties.

Hopefully, you are never in a situation where you have to try any of the techniques that you have heard out, but if you are it is always best to get in touch with a local pest control St Helens expert who will be able to advise you and suggest the best route forward.

In this article we will look at 7 of the most outlandish pest control ‘tips’ that you may have heard somewhere along the grapevine, preventing you from making a mistake that could make the situation dramatically worse.

Myth 1 – Ultrasonic devices are highly effective

In your local supermarket or online you will find a huge selection of ultrasonic devices claiming to repel pests of all kinds. The reality is that these high pitched sounds are more likely to annoy the local youths in your area than any pests. OK, so it might be true that certain pests avoid sounds at a certain frequency, but as all pests have different sensitivity levels to different pitches, so it it is very unlikely that one single device could be powerful enough to deter multiple pest species.

Myth 2 – Getting a cat will prevent rodent issues

Sure, some cats like to chase down mice but many are just as content lounging around and unlikely to bat an eyelid if there is rodent activity in your home. Even if you end up getting a cat that has hunting instincts, they still won’t be enough, on their own, to prevent a large population of rodents from growing and certainly aren’t a replacement for best practice and practical precautions taken to stop rodents invading your home. Instead, focus on sealing entry points, storing food in sealed containers, removing waste as soon as possible, and call a professional pest control company if you see any signs whatsoever of pest activity.

Myth 3 – Citronella is great at repelling midges and mosquitoes

Citronella is a key ingredient in most midge and mosquito repellents as well as scented candles designed to ward them away with their scent. Whilst it is certainly true that mosquitos and other flying biting pests might not be the biggest fan of the scent, the problem is that certain species are only affected by it slightly, and others not at all. Furthermore, the scent doesn’t spread that far, making its use in outdoor areas, at a BBQ for example, pretty limited.

Myth 4 – Vinegar kills ants

Vinegar is one of the most commonly recommended ingredients in the raft of DIY pest ‘repellents’ advertised all over the internet. Vinegar can be effective for dealing with ants, not because it kills them, but because it can be used to break the pheromone trails that they leave for the rest of their colony, causing them to get lost and unable to return to your property.

However, it does little to tackle the root of an ant problem and is usually no more than a temporary solution.

Myth 5 – Electric insect zappers work on all insects

Insect zappers are satisfying to install and use, providing a lovely buzzing noise as the annoying buzz that has been bugging you all afternoon is finally quietened. However, whilst the UV light that is used in bug zappers does attract some insect species, it doesn’t put off mosquitoes, and does attract useful pollinating insects.

Myth 6 – Ignore the problem and it will go away

insect pests

We’re not really sure where you would have got this advice from, perhaps your worst enemy, but it is just about the worst possible thing that you can do if you see evidence of pest activity on your property. Most pests breed extremely quickly and will spread rapidly if steps are not taken to curb their growth. The longer you leave a pest infestation alone, the larger it will grow, the bigger the risk will be that someone will become unwell, and the most property damage is likely to be done. Failing to act not only puts your loved ones at risk but could also cost you an absolute fortune.

Myth 7 – Professional pest control is a waste of money

Hiring a professional to deal with a few creepy-crawlies can seem a bit overkill but the damage that can be done if pests are allowed to roam freely will far exceed the cost of a professional pest control call-out. These experts will have your home pest free again in no time, leaving you free to enjoy your home in peace once again.
