Why Consider Installing Metal Roofing

Over the course of time, many homeowners will seek out the services of a Lincoln metal roofing professional in order to repair or replace their existing roof. That number, by the way, indicates an incredible 11 percent share of all roofing sales, far ahead of any other roofing solution, such as asphalt shingles. Curious as to why this seemingly reliable building material has gradually been winning so many homeowners over? See below for the top five reasons to switch to metal roofing.

Since they are more durable than most roof alternatives, metal roofs offer homeowners a real and presentable alternative to old-fashioned, low quality shingles that fade or are easily damaged. With an almost unlimited lifespan, these roofs can literally last a lifetime if properly maintained, so they’re an investment not to be overlooked by consumers seeking the highest quality roofing solution possible. Compared to the relatively low price tag that comes with wooden shakes, roof replacement can become an extremely cost-effective and efficient home improvement project.

The longevity of metal roofs is also backed up by their fire retardant properties, allowing them to effectively combat dangerous fires without sacrificing overall lifespan. Regular maintenance by a Lincoln roofer ensures that metal roofs retain their excellent fire safety features, providing homeowners with a sense of peace and security even after a storm or a fire. Furthermore, metal roofs can add significantly to the resale value of a property, as many are made to look like traditional asphalt roofing materials. They are available in a wide range of colours and styles and can even be customized with different thicknesses of metal slats. So, if you’re looking to add a new roof to your home, it’s not just aesthetics that are at stake; the longevity and durability of your new roof is as important as what colour and style you choose to integrate into your design.

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